Waltham St. Lawrence Silver Band

2020 news archive


25 Mar 2020

Banding activity hit by virus outbreak

Rehearsals were suspended from 18th March until further notice due to COVID-19. The emergency has also meant that some of the events we looked forward to, such as the pensioners' tea part at the end of April and the Spring Concert in May, will not be able to proceed as planned. We do hope to make up for some missed events later in the year.

Meanwhile, band members are using the increased time at home to practise even more than usual, and have their parts for specific pieces that our MD would like to work on when we can safely get together once more.

Peter Williams

25 Mar 2020

We were sad to learn that our friend and former member Peter Williams passed away on 21st March. Peter played bass trombone with the band for a number of years up to 2017, when he felt at 85 that he could not longer keep up a full diary of banding commitments. He nevertheless kept up his playing with ensembles in Henley and Reading.

We will remember him fondly as a kind, considerate and very positive person, and extend our condolences to Barbara and the rest of his family.

2020 Annual General Meeting

22 Jan 2020

Waltham St. Lawrence Silver Band AGM was held at the Neville Hall on 22nd January, followed by a brief rehearsal.

The meeting received reports from the Chairman and Musical Director highlighting the successful events and musical development during 2019, including hosting German exchange partners Musikverein Friesheim for a very enjoyable weekend visit in June. The spring and autumn stage concerts had been very successful. The band had gained two new members, while one had moved away, leaving a vacancy on 2nd cornet. Financially, there had been major outlay on a pair of timpani and uniforms, while income from engagements and carolling had been good.

The band were delighted that Wendy Craig had agreed to continue as honorary President. A new committee was elected, with a continuing vacancy in the post of Secretary (see Contacts page for committee list). 

The final ballot for Bandperson of the Year saw hard-working librarian Ian French named as the winner, and the award was handed over at the conclusion of the meeting. 

2020 is here

8 Jan 2020

New year's rehearsals begin

The first rehearsal of 2020 was held on 8th January, with the band primed to continue the musical development seen over the past few years. As well as pieces that may be included in the Spring Concert on 23rd May, on the stands was Neverland, music by Christopher Bond specially commissioned as the 4th section test piece for the 2020 area qualifiers of the national championships. The band does not engage in contesting, and has no intention of doing so, but this piece, an evocation of J M Barry's book Peter Pan, struck MD Steve Block as something both worthwhile in its own right for inclusion in a future concert, and also suitable as a training exercise. Players agreed it was well worth getting their teeth into, and looked forward to continuing working on Neverland.